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Reach Dealers

If you're a manufacturer, distributor, supplier, trade organization or stakeholder in the independent channel, talk to Mark about how to amplify your message!  

Mark's content channel reaches more paint dealers each week than any other channel in the market.  

Get heard!

Custom Content Episodes

You message can reach Mark's audience of independent retailers with a 30-minute episode featuring your company or organization as a guest on Mark's pod and vlog cast. Tell dealers in your own words what makes your product, organization or people special and get your brand and message heard, in the multi-billion dollar independent paint dealer channel.

Series Sponsorship

Let the industry know what your company stands for, and then tell them over and over! With a series sponsorship, your 30-second sponsorship message will be heard and viewed by thousands of Mark's followers; THE most engage independent retailers in the channel.  


Contact Mark


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